Commitments Trust requires your financial support to carrying out its field level activities and scale up its work with PwDs at the state level. In addition to this, Commitments invites funding agencies, charitable foundations and individuals to come forward and directly participate in our activities and developmental work and become a part of our noble mission.

Some of our initiatives involving PwDs such as Inclusive Education Program, Community Centers, Community Based Rehabilitation, Livelihood Promotion, Health Care, Disaster Relief and Action Research, including our current activity involving support services to over 15000 PwDs in Telangana have received yeomen support from major funding organizations. 

We invite you to open your heart to the much deserving PwDs and come out with both financial and moral support to help them lead dignified lives.

Your contributions can change many lives of disabled children.

Account Type Account No. Name of the Account IFSC code Name of the Branch/place
FCRA Account
A Public Trust
IDBI, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad
Non-FC Account
A Public Trust
IDBI, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

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Help us in our mission in creation of enabling environments for the marginalised communities

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