Our Vision
A world where all disabled and disadvantaged people are free from discrimination and oppression and have full equality within an inclusive society.
Our Mission
- To achieve positive and lasting change in the lives of disabled people living in poverty.
- Extending economic and social services to strengthen and enhancing livelihoods of the Persons with Disabilities in rural and urban areas
- Building capabilities among the Persons with Disabilities
- Improve access to services, facilities and entitlements for the Persons with Disabilities
- Facilitate building of participatory, self-managed institutions among the Persons with Disabilities as vehicles of their self-reliance, socio-economic progress and self-respect
- Serve as a resource centre for training, research and study regarding the socio-economic conditions of the PwDs.
- Initiating programs and projects for sustainable development of the persons with disabilities and facilitating convergence of services and facilities intended for their benefit
- Providing a platform for advocacy upon issues and concerns of the Persons with Disabilities
- Mobilizing the Sanghams (SHGs) to take up community awareness and initiating community activities for inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the mainstream and setting up community resource centres for assessment, treatment and rehabilitation
- Providing rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities (covering various categories of disabilities)
- Initiating Community Based Rehabilitation approaches with the local Community Based Organizations
Strategic Intervention
- To facilitate Community Based Organizations (CBO) of disabled people living in poverty both in rural and in urban areas
- To build their capacity and leadership to exercise their rights and to access entitlements.
- To enable them to access services such as education, livelihood and employment, financial, health, social and others for the well being of themselves and their communities.
- To augment Government services, set up appropriate services for rehabilitation, economic empowerment counseling and research.
- To sensitize Government and other service providers and the needs and rights of persons with disabilities and to build their capacity to meet their obligation and…
- To carry out such other activities in line with the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and the community based rehabilitation principles to promote the well being of disabled people and their communities.
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Help us in our mission in creation of enabling environments for the marginalised communities
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